Ein Mann streckt sich am Morgen nach dem Aufstehen im Bett und lacht dabei

Sleep well – module 2: sleep-supporting techniques (with specialist)

In this workshop, your employees will deepen their knowledge about sleep. They will learn practical techniques to improve their sleep quality. They will also learn about the causes of sleep problems, how to tackle them head-on and how to stay healthy, well-rested and productive in the long term.


      Short and succinct

      In this two-hour workshop, your employees will learn how the wake and sleep systems are connected and what is behind sleep problems or disorders. They will learn simple relaxation techniques for the body and mind to improve their sleep. Your employees will also learn about professional techniques to promote good sleep.


      Participants will ...

      • understand the interplay between the wake and sleep system.
      • recognise their individual sleep problems and their causes.
      • learn practical relaxation techniques to improve their sleep.

      Target group

      • All employees who have completed module 1


      • Basics of the interplay between the wake and sleep systems
      • more in-depth knowledge about sleep disorders and their causes
      • practical relaxation techniques (e.g. breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation)
      • Experience and direct application of relaxation exercises
      • presentation of sleep-supporting techniques to treat and prevent sleep disorders
      • discussion about personal sleep challenges

      Basic requirements

      ImplementationTwo hours
      Town/cityYour company’s premises
      Group sizeMax. 12 people
      Method of implementationwith specialist
      CostsFrom CHF 800
      • Order the prevention module at least two months before the desired start date
      • Make arrangements for rooms and technical infrastructure
      • Inform and invite participants
      • Taught by a Suva specialist
      • Feedback collected from the participants by the specialist
      • Feedback to supervisors, if applicable
      • Motivate employees to implement what they have learned in their daily lives

      Preventing accidents is an ongoing process. Regular preventive measures help you to encourage your employees to take responsibility for their own actions. So plan more activities ahead of time.

      Everything in order: Click here for module 1

      Sleep well – Course 1: knowledge and tips

      Sleep well – Course 1: knowledge and tips

      In this course, your employees will learn basic principles and tips on how to sleep better, stay alert and focused at work, and reduce their risk of accidents.
      Let's get started with course 1

      Order module

      Yes, I would like to implement the module

      This module must be implemented with a specialist from Suva. It can be held either on your premises or at an external location.