2016 Annual Report – full version


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      Suva can look back on a successful financial year 2016. Despite the low interest rate environment, we achieved a pleasing investment performance of 4.1 per cent. Expenditure on benefits was within the expected margins, with the financial coverage ratio increasing from 133 per cent in the previous year to 136 per cent as of the end of 2016. All long-term obligations thus continue to be secured.

      Since January 2016, the Board of Management has carried out its duties in a new composition under the leadership of Felix Weber. The future holds significant challenges for Suva. In particular, we are actively observing the development of digitalisation and determining the risks and opportunities it presents.

      We have further refined our corporate strategy to ensure that Suva remains well positioned in the years to come. In future, we will be concentrating on our core business. We will only be carrying out secondary activities where these provide measurable support to our core business and are financially self-supporting. With this strategy, we aim to generate sustainable benefits for our customers.

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